

The 14th International Foundry Trade Fair with Technical Forum e neng e tšoaretsoe ka Phuptjane, 2019 Duesseldorf, Germany. Joalo ka e mong oa babali, Feng erda o ile a tseba balekane ba bangata ba khoebo.

GIFA-2019, E hlophisitsoeng ke The Messe Dusseldorlf exhibition Company of Germany, pontšo e thehiloe ka 2003 mme e tšoaroa lilemo tse ling le tse ling tse 'nè.Hona joale ke pontšo e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea machaba ea ho lahlela le ho lahlela lefatšeng.Ka nako e ts'oanang, pontšo ea Jeremane ea machaba ea sebōpi le mocheso oa mocheso oa Jeremane International metallurgical technology Exhibition.In 2015, sebaka sa pontšo se feta 86,000 metres square, 'me ho ne ho e-na le bahoeletsi ba 2,214. ho tsoa linaheng tse fetang 50 lefatšeng ka bophara, tse nang le 51% ea bahoeletsi ba ka ntle ho Jeremane.Lik'hamphani tse 'nè tse tummeng lefatšeng ka bophara - MAGMA, ABP, ABB, OMEGA le DISA - li bonts'a lihlahisoa le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng.Baeti ba fetang 78,000 ba tsoang ho feta 120 linaha li ile tsa etela pontšo, 'me karolo ea bobeli ho tse tharo ea baeti e ne e tsoa ho bahlahisi, bahlahisi, basebelisi le baetsi ba liqeto tsa lik'hamphani tse rekang lik'hamphani tsa bona. lintho tse lahlang le ho lahla, ke lihlahisoa tsa China, lik'hamphani tse amanang le lihlahisoa tse utloisisang machabaphetoho ea mebaraka, bonts'a lihlahisoa tsa rona le lihlahisoa tse amanang le tsona, ho holisa 'maraka oa machabeng, ho ntlafatsa thekiso ea kantle ho naha le monyetla o motle oa ho etsa thepa.

Ho tloha ka la 25 ho isa la 29 Phuptjane 2019 "Lefatše le Khanyang la Litšepe" le bile le letoto le ikhethileng la likopano tsa machaba, lisymposiamo, liforamu le mananeo a khethehileng.Mekhatlo e mene ea khoebo ea GIFA, NEWCAST, METEC le THERMPROCESS e fane ka lenaneo la boleng bo holimo le tsepamisitseng maikutlo holim'a mefuta eohle ea thekenoloji ea motheo, li-castings, metallurgy le thermo process technology - ho kenyelletsa tlhahiso ea tlatsetso, litaba tsa metallurgical, mekhoa ea indasteri ea tšepe, likarolo tsa morao-rao tsa mahlale a thermo process kapa mahlale a mahlale a matla le lisebelisoa.

Feng erda e rometse lihlopha tse tšeletseng tsa barekisi ba maemo a holimo ho ea buisana le lik'hamphani tse holimo indastering ea tšepe sebakeng sa marang-rang, 'me li fihletse litholoana tse ntle. Re lebelletse pontšo e latelang.

GIFA, re tla u bona ka 2023!

Nako ea poso: Dec-15-2020